Title: Moments of Pause
File Title on Server: Regina.Rebecca.Xiang
Group Members:
Regina Lee s3429446
Rebecca Jones s3430989
Xiang Ji s3314093
Teacher: Hannah Brasier
Title: Moments of Pause
File Title on Server: Regina.Rebecca.Xiang
Group Members:
Regina Lee s3429446
Rebecca Jones s3430989
Xiang Ji s3314093
Teacher: Hannah Brasier
Hi Regina,
The link to your film doesn’t work because you haven’t given me the web address of your film (needs to be http://). Am assuming the web address is http://themediastudents.net/im1/projects/Regina.Rebecca.Xiang. Can you please amend this and make sure the link works?
Sorry, i thought i tested them both and they work for me… http://themediastudents.net/im1/projects/Regina.Rebecca.Xiang works fine 🙂
Thanks Regina can now access your film 🙂