Thoughts on philosophy and literature
- Literature and philosophy are both very loose terms. How do they relate to each other?
- Citizenship in ancient Greece = upper class men with property = minority of the public able to participate in democracy.
- Plato’s disenchantment with Athenian politics emphasised by Socrates’ death.
- Philosophy for Plato = search for wisdom and to reach happiness with knowledge.
- Republic:
– how a republic should run
– a utopia
– run by philosophers because they know the truth and hence back better rulers
– politicians = very suspicious - A stick in the water looks bent. Perceptions can be distorted.
- The Good?
- Socrates: the distinction between immortal + mortal, soul + body, intelligible + sensible
- Binary oppositions/dualisms
- Pay attention to what is being said and how Plato is articulating his arguments: rhetoric, metaphors, etc
- Reason = philosophy
Emotion + Appetites = poetry = dangerous for the soul - Paradoxes
- Literature: narrative, figurative language, etc – but philosophical ideas can be discussed using these means.
- Ideas > Appearances > Representations
- Literature for Plato is third in the hierarchy: representation
- Plato is not a diadactic author, he uses poetic language to condemn poets
- If a poem makes us feel sorry we deem them a good poet; yet if we feel sorrow ourselves we pride ourselves on bearing it quietly like a man.
- Philosophy: rational, reasoning, masculine, restraint, serious, good
- Poetry: excites emotions, pleasure, bad
- Ironists
- The role of the Chorus: decision makers, get play back on track, refocus action
- Cycle of vengeance/bloodshed
- What defines ‘tragedy’? In a play, in life?
- Perspective
- Mother and son relationships
- Hesitations and pauses
- Patriarchal roles of women
- Are there no such thing as good and bad guys? No truly good and evil characters?
- Retribution
- Night is the daughter of Chaos
- Closure
- Tangling and untangling of ideas
- Tragedy can talk about things that can’t be spoken about in the marketplace, yet is still limited and demarcated
- Exogomous social relationships: related to each other through exchange of kin, eg daughters marrying sons so the men are related to each other
- Giving gifts to build relationships. Most precious gift in ancient Greece were women
- Patriarchal = ruled by the fathers