Perceived scarcity
I’ve been thinking a lot about the mechanics of scarcity: retail shelf space and the limits of television broadcasting hours, for example. In my contemplations I came across the term ‘perceived scarcity,’ which I think is both an important marketing tool and something to be wary of as a consumer.
Pumpkin Spice Latte from Starbucks
I wonder, how much of value is perceived versus real? Diamonds. Home prices. “Premium” items. Dating. Heck, even in interactions with friends, I sometimes feel like the less available I am (to a point), the more demand there is for my time (or, at least, the higher the perceived value for my time). On a daily basis, I find that many things have mostly implied value, not real value. This is reinforced by something else I often find: demand creates demand. I often (unfortunately) forget how much the concepts of supply and demand factor into many aspects of my daily life — and how much they are shaped by perception. – From thesunRISING