Our second week lecture opened by guest speaker Jeremy Bowtell, he has introduce the role of editing in Media to the class. Editing, which have inspired me a lot. Editing? What is editing? And how is it important in a production? These questions made me pondered for a while. I have been enjoying watching films; dramas and variety shows since I was little, as I have never done any editing, so I have never considered what an important role is editing playing in the media industry. ’A good editing is a shoot which gives your audience full lots of information’, I believe editing a film, drama or even a music video is a huge amount of work. Personally, I think the Korean music videos contains a large amount of technique to edit, especially the dance singers.


What is media? At the second part of this week’s lecture, lecturer has asked students to write down 5 things that you think of when I say ‘media’. Before actually get into the program, I think media is what brings information to people all over the world from different technology. What I have written in my list was only: communication, connection and information, which contains a huge range of different things. During discussion time, I remember a student said: ‘media is omnipresent.’ I agree with her, media is something we see and use in our daily life. Especially for students like me who has family and friends in overseas, we connect each other through media (i.e. wechat/Facebook). Media is gradually becoming a tool which connect one another in nowadays. Moreover, media is a connection tool between public and individuals, this is what people are using every day. I believe many of us have the experience of knowing someone on the internet like Facebook but never seen each other face to face.

Personally, I believe media is exposing human nature, producers make a personal story to a film or dram and using media to tell the public. Media is a combination of art; culture and information.

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