Assignment 4 – Week 11 Reflection

Week 11, the big one. For this week, we had planned two full days of shooting on Monday and Tuesday, and starting the assembly cut on Wednesday once we had finished all of our filming.  Day 1 of shooting was a slow start, trying to…

Assignment 4: Week 10 Reflection

Week 10 – Table read + feedback Week 10 Came with the opportunity to present our current work to a panel, and other peers. Unfortunately, we missed the deadline to send the script in ahead of time, so we had to rush to print some…

Assignment 4: Week 9 Reflection

By the time we had reached week 9, we had a cast organised, a first draft of a script, ideas of where our locations would be and a timeline for where we wanted to be each week. We also had started to look at potential…

Assignment 4: Week 8 Reflection

Week 8 was the beginning of our real writing process. Prior to our first draft, we got together and put every idea and detail we had onto one big piece of paper, and then slowly broke down what we wanted to include, what details were…

Assignment 4: Week 7 Reflection

  Week 7 was the beginning of our major project, and with our group of 5, there were a number of ideas thrown around. We had some idea of how we wanted to go about our creative process, as we quickly came up with a…

Assignment 2 Index Post

Week 4 Parody: Week 5 Satire: Week 6 Genre Hybridisation:

A2 BEYOND A JOKE, BEYOND A GENRE: Hybridisation sketch #3

Week 6: Genre Hybridisation Sketch Here This week, we looked not at forms of comedy, but how comedy is tied into genre, specifically documentary comedy. In class, we looked at ‘American Movie’ (Dir. Smith, 1999), and how it implemented editing and cuts to create comedy…

A2 Beyond a Joke, Beyond a Genre: Week 5 SATIRE

FINAL SKETCH HERE Satire is an unfamiliar territory for me and is not a form of comedy I have seen a lot of. In class, we watched three different forms of comedy. ‘Brass Eye’ (1997-2001), a British comedy that parodied typical “current affairs” type shows,…

A2 Beyond A Joke, Beyond A Genre: Week 4 PARODY

Final Sketch Here This week, the comedy mode we were exploring was parody, which in my mind seemed pretty straightforward, but proved to be more complicated than initially believed. The main aspects of parody involve studying the conventions of a specific form or genre and…

Beyond a Joke, Beyond a Genre: Index Post Assignment 1

Week 1 Sketch and Reflection: Week 2 Sketch and Reflection: Week 3 Sketch and Reflecion: