
So I’ve decided to stop doing the ‘Week __ Tute __’ formula of posting on this blog, because as the risk of sounding like a pretentious art student, I felt like it became a chore and the material I was writing was forced and therefore uninteresting. Instead, I’ll just post when inspiration strikes and have no particular schedule for them, just when I think I have something good to say. So hopefully the posts are more motivated and have more depth to them.

All in all, this past week has been a bit of a nightmare productivity wise for my final Film 3 investigation, as I’ve felt uninspired and not knowing where to start. After walking around the city and trying to location scout, I figured out that most of the busy intersections and locations around the city I originally thought of are too cluttered and noisy to shoot in, hence I don’t think I can achieve the exact vision I had in mind for my final product. I’ve been stuck on ideas of what would be tangible and realistically achievable in the little amount of time I have left until the semester is over, as well as with other restraints such as my limited skills and equipment.

Admittedly, when I started out with my idea, I went with an abstract, sparsely thought out general picture and didn’t think more specifically about how I want to execute it given the locations, time, resources and knowledge I had. In future projects, I would definitely need to be more realistic and organised and have a clear vision of what I want to achieve knowing my limitations. However, nothing ever really goes 100 percent smoothly and this was a needed learning curve for my first self-determined investigation, having come straight out of the high school system where everything is taught in a “spoon feeding” way.

At the moment I’m feeling a bit lost, but I think I just need to go back and reconsider what I want my product to be, or whether I want to have a ‘final’ product at all. I might have to just go out and shoot even if I don’t have anything figured out, and hope inspiration sparks from there.


Hello! I'm Jess and I like pizza and marathoning TV shows.

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