Week 6 Tute 2: Brainstorm

In preparation for the pitch at the end of Week 7, I’m still not a hundred percent sure about which idea I’d like to do. I have a bunch of ideas that I’m interested in, yet no real direction as of yet – hopefully an epiphany will spark soon. Out of the jumbled chunk of notes I wrote down during the brainstorm in Friday’s class, I’ve compiled them into more organised dot points:


  1. Camera
  • Exploring cinematographic rules and traditions such as the 180 degree rule and possible creative ways to break them
  • Composing a series of abstract cinematic shots based on a theme of colour
  • What it would be like if a scene looked like it had no cuts  – a comparison of the same scene edited two different ways
  • Creative/non-conventional ways of covering a scene
  • Interesting camera techniques e.g. shot from Girls/ what I did for directing exercise
  1. Moments
  • I fall in love with little moments that I notice in the people, conversations and environments around me – I think the most honest and true versions of people are how they carry themselves in the moments when they think noone is watching, or in moments when they aren’t conscious of what other people are thinking – bits of human nature
  • Possible presentation in vignettes of everyday moments
  • The idea that a person’s character can be captured in little details about them e.g. how they stand, their handwriting, an interesting item of clothing
  • Physicality
  1. Places
  • I’ve always been fascinated with the concept of places (and non-places) – there could be so many memories attached to one place that are wildly different
  • How one place can have different atmospheres/vibes surrounding it at different times of the day – e.g. Swanston Street is different in the morning when it is full of suit clad office workers getting to work, in the early afternoon when it is more relaxed and more filled with tourists and lunch goers, and in the early hours of the morning when it is uncharacteristically quiet except for the last of the people exiting after a night out.
  • This could be represented in three segments of different time frames e.g. 8:47am // 3:13 pm // 1:52am, capture sonic environments, different editing e.g. fast paced for morning, blurred shots of feet passing through, long, wide shots to show empty street at night, a drunken couple stumbling across frame
  1. Feelings
  • How specific objects, photos, smells etc. can evoke memories and feelings attached
  • Trying to capture a feeling e.g. nostalgia or isolation or passion in words and images
  • Something like the Three Colours: Blue/Red/White films – colour & aesthetics, frames blending into each other – match cutting


Hello! I'm Jess and I like pizza and marathoning TV shows.

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