Project Brief 1

“You will never be able to please everybody, especially not yourself. So don’t listen to anyone and don’t listen to yourself, because you will bring yourself down more than anyone. Just be you. Be you, and hold onto it.” -Chris Colfer


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The first photo is a photo of me when I was younger, and the second is a photo of me now. They represent the span of my life and I included them because my physical appearance is a huge part of a self portrait. The third photo is a photo of the Melbourne CBD taken from the Bourke Street Myer. I chose it because Melbourne is my hometown and this is one of my favourite places in the city. The last photo is a photo I took on a plane from San Francisco to Los Angeles, representing my love of travelling and adventure.

Audio clips:

Audio Player Audio Player

These clips feature two of my friends talking about their impressions of me. A big part of my personality can be seen from what I am like to other people, and it’s something I can’t describe about myself.


These videos are time lapses showing all the things in my bag and my desk area. I showed these things because these are the things I use and see the most often in everyday life and tells a lot about me. The things in my bag show that I am a media student at RMIT as well as the things I carry with me everywhere like my wallet and my iPod. The things on my desk show my love for Broadway musicals and travelling, and also has my most prized possession, my laptop.


Hello! I'm Jess and I like pizza and marathoning TV shows.

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