This week’s workshop we watched everyone’s assignment 1. They were all very engaging and I was impressed with some of these extraordinary works. They all showed very everyone’s vision of the future of AI technology, especially phillip’s work with its eye-catching mirroring and interesting plot that made me very impressed. these works inspired me to try to add more innovation to my subsequent works.
In this week’s workshop, we also discussed immersive virtual art. My understanding of this subject was memories about the Van Gogh and Monet’s immersive art exhibits, and the visual and auditory stimulation through the beautiful music and images gave me an immersive experience of the messages conveyed in the works. This once again reinforced my appreciation for the importance of sound in creating works. I hope I can continue to strengthen my creative skills in this area.
The discussion of posthumanism also gave me more mixed feelings about AI technology. I long for technology to make life easier and smarter for humans, but I also worry that it will blur the lines between us and machines.