Author: Aria Liang

'You don't have to be good to start but you have to start to be good.' :))

Week 9 Workshop

In this week’s workshop, we started with the screening of PB3. I was not so satisfied with my PB3 work as the audio went wrong and I had to fix it with Audition but still it was not ideal. So I asked Jeremy not to display mine. I really liked Tristan’s interview of this feminist jewelry maker, the soundtrack was…

Week 5 Workshop In this week’s workshop we were assigned to do an interview practice in a group of four (Carrie, Helena and Matt). We decided to check out a quiet courtyard at the back of the campus but when we got there, a group of people was already filming there. So we had to find another place to shoot. Eventually we…

Week 8 Workshop

Well it seems like everyone is kind of drained by the long process of making PB3 and I feel exactly the same. Sometimes I wish it could just be over so I can sleep for 40 hours without thinking at all. But then again making videos is something that always interests me. Interviews might not really be my thing but…

Week 7 Workshop

Feedbacks on the rough cut: Tristan suggested that it would be cool to explain that Jarrod and I met on the train and had a conversation which led to the interview that we did later. More cutaways (as there’s only a wide shot in the rough cut). Adjust the volume of the clips to the same level. I forgot to…

Week 6 Workshop

In this week’s workshop we got to do another group exercise and this time I was assigned to 4 guys (Joshua, Joey, Matt and Tristan), which was  great because I did not have to carry anything that’s heavy haha. The title is ‘misunderstanding’, which got us stuck for a while before we could work out a doable story. Another requirement…

PB3 – Post-production

So basically my audio is shit and I panicked so hard. The speaking voice is so low that I could barely hear and if I turn it up, the noise gets louder and interrupts the voice. I still don’t know if it’s something wrong with the microphone or the camera. I checked the audio when we were shooting and it…

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