Week 1 Reflection

For ex1 I filmed Linda walking into the frame and taking photos of the motorbike. The shot looks seriously over exposed and it’s weird because I looked through the viewfinder when I was filming and it seemed fine on the screen. The zebra pattern was not on so it’s hard to determine the level of exposure of the shot precisely. So next time I’ll remember to turn on the zebra pattern before filming.

For ex2 I filmed Aaron ripping the leaves off the plant haha. I tried to get the feel of Gordon Ramsay but well I don’t think it’s anywhere near. 

For the homework, I recreated what I did when in the first couple of weeks of BOX. Here’s the video that I did this week:

Here’s the link to that 30s sequence that I did a year ago:


I did a similar sequence because I wanted to see with proper pre-production, how much could it improve. Though it’s still quite rough and looks nothing like a fancy VEVO music video but I think the framing is slightly better this time and I did a little bit of lighting. I had the nightstand lamp as the key light and a desk lamp to the left of the frame as the fill light. The desk lamp has really hard lighting so I taped a piece of tissue over it to filter it down to the level of the nightstand lamp.

The problem with angles/camera coverage is that the shots of my right hand strumming the chords and the shots of my left hand pressing the strings were filmed from similar angles. So it looks kind of weird when cut together though not in succession. Will avoid filming from similar angles next time.

But somehow, I feel like this time the visuals have some problems matching up with the song, not that they’re not synchronized, but they’re not aligned with the feeling that I want to convey. It doesn’t feel as intimate or natural as the first one that I made a year ago. But it surely looks planned and neat in terms of framing. The feeling that I’m trying to achieve – that feeling that I get whenever I sing this song – is not fully exhibited through the video or something is missing while I was trying to export how I feel into the format of a video. Sad.

To encapsulate everything, I think it’s not a technical mistake that I made but rather a spiritual one. I tried to put shots into different orders but it still didn’t feel right and I can’t think of anything that I did wrong during the whole process because everything went as planned. Maybe it takes time to make things that truly convey a person’s feelings and emotions…and until then I guess I’ll just keep on doing what I do.

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