So here comes the second shoot.

So yay here’s another photoshoot. I took these a week after the last one and I decided to go natural haha. They look kinda horrible to me but I’m going to stay honest with you because I really want to document the progress of my skills. The set up was pretty much the same as last time, with a desk lamp casting on my from a slightly lower angle and I stood a bit closer to the camera than last time. I don’t know why I look like my pet dog just died of cancer in these photographs but hey I guess you could say that is my aesthetic as a model.


In the last photograph, I held the desk lamp closer to my face so you could see that my face is generally more lit than in the rest. I don’t really know why I did that but I guess for now I was just trying to experiment on different poses, different lighting and different angles. Ignore my oily face haha I took these after I’ve done my skincare for the night.

I’ve definitely gotten more familiar with the camera and I feel like the more I do it the easier it is and more fun it is. I’ll be doing a couple more on myself and then I’ll try to find someone to be the model. I don’t know about you but I got kind of tired of my face.

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