Photoshoot no.4

So finally it’s not my face anymore! My friend Kris came around and I asked him to pose for me. He’s got some modeling experience so he knew what to do. I did not have to tell him where to put his hands or turn his head, he just knew it. See that’s the difference between a pro and an amateur.

I use monochrome all the time because that’s the easiest way to cover up some pimples or blemishes. And would instantly get the VOGUE look (not really). Taking photographs of other people is quite different from self-photographing. It is easier and harder at the same time. Easier because you don’t have to run back and forth of the camera to check, harder because you have to communicate with the model about what kind of style/look you’re after. I might work on describing my ideal styles or even illustrate them out on paper so it’s straightforward for people that I work with.

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