
I’ve got a Canon 50D in my closet for way to long than I could remember. I’ve always been more interested in video stuff than photography. However, I took photography in high school and have still got some knowledge. So one day I just decided that maybe it’s time for me to actually get into photography. I just got my camera out and put in on a tripod and I stood in front of a wall in my bedroom and took photographs (using the self-timer). It was a bit confusing as I had no idea what a lot of buttons are for, but I went through some tutorials and everything became quite straightforward.


Here are the ones that I selected from around 50 photographs that I took on that day. I chose Black & White because it would somehow reduces the imperfections of my face. I was really awkward in front of a camera so it took me so long to actually get into the zone. A lot of the photographs that I took just made me want to laugh but I’m not showing them to you guys. NO.

I really want to take good portraits of people and I hope my skills could get better with more practice.

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