For the Haiku exercise, I used Premier Pro to edit, Garage Band to compose a simple BGM and Audition to edit the audio.
This was actually my first time of using Garage Band to compose. Mostly I just used it to record singing & stuff. It was a great experience and I decided to make more music for the PB2 video. Because the haiku exercise is short and simple, so I composed a piece of music based on 4 chords that sounded really cheerful just to fit the clips.
The original audio came off quite loud and strong but I wanted it to sound a bit softer so I used Audition to adjust the intensity of the audio.
So this is what it looks like at the final round. I did lots of changes with the texts and the lengths of the three clips it took me for ever to adjust them so they are more in synch with the BGM. I used the effect ‘dissoled’ amost with every single piece of material so they’d look smooth as transitioning. I also added my name at the end.
And this is the final video. If you’ve watched it, leave some comments down below:))