So I did a brainstorm on how to do a self-portrait using multiple types of media. I am really familiar with this theme as I did something similar in high school as my final artworks for Year 12. At that time, I was suffering a minor depression so the artworks I made were about the pain I endured and the hope I had for recovery. I made them so I could reach out to those who have experienced the same feeling and tell them that they are not alone.
This one is called ‘Break Free’. As you can tell from the name, it’s about letting go of the past and living a new life. I had great fun making it as it was the first time I performed and filmed something that I had always wanted to. My dad was a great assistant and he did exactly what I needed me to do with the camera. And also I was exhausted by how much work I had to do just for a 5 min video. Jeez.
This one is called ‘WORLD’. I came up with the idea when I was watching Star War: the Awakening. Sci-fi movies always inspire me to think creatively. So this video is mainly about how the person searches for thousands of books just to get an answer but eventually she is given a sign that the answer is not among books but everything around her. This is a reflection of how I used to think that the answer has to come in a certain way but later I realized that the answer has always been there and you just had to look around and see.
These to videos are the self portrait I did a year ago and the situation has changed a lot after I graduated from high school and started a uni life. The desire to simply show how much pain I felt was satisfied by the previous making and it should be a new journey for me from here.