week 2

Cinema, Trance and Cybernetics’ reflection

In the process of making a film or documentary, which need to provide a visual habitat for the plot’s character / participant. This is an important investment for the audience because it determines the viewer’s view, what are the main meanings of their feelings and their views when they are seen. In addition, it is a door leading to the ideas and ideas of the director or creator, and it is trying to convey some words directly to its audience. There are several ways to achieve such an environment, for an art project, I think the following is the most important:

Use the right lens: When we talk about the lens, we need to consider how we look at the real world, and how we capture it through the lens. In order to achieve this, there are different types of shots, and each gives different rendering results, but also has a different personality. For example, wide-angle or fisheye lenses have the ability to cover most of the landscape in the frame, which means that the movie or your photo will look more natural. When we are making the documentary art project, we have to consider what kind of lens we want to use, for example, when we are carrying out an interactive installation, including many objects working together and working with the same space in the other elements interact, we need a camera with a wide-angle lens to show everything as a whole.

Light and color: lights and colors can have a strong emotional impact on the audience, and the film photographer takes most of the time to work here, which is the best result. There are different types of light, but also to the different feeling, effect and color. A good light arrangement to make things read, in other words, it can give the effect of solid and exist, and an object or role of the three-dimensional form to convey to the audience. Secondly, it makes the whole thing look real and credible. A credible image is inherently consistent, and the balance of light is inspired in real life. For example, if there is a beam of direct sunlight into the room, the audience wants the sun to be brighter than the lamp. In addition, some other goals are to keep the continuity between the different shots, to guide the audience to each scene in the important view of the audience, and the audience placed in each lens specific mood.

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