Week9 blog1

Winter at Westbeth is the documentary of the Australian filmmaker Rohan Spong. It tells the story of three experienced artists living in the Westbeth Artists Housing in New York. The film was first shown in IFC Center to celebrate the coming birthday of Edith Stephen. Video artist Edith Stephen hopes to complete an experimental movie on her birthday. Winter at Westbeth reveals an exciting and inspiring story of an old artist’s community (Ross 2017). The story of dealing with aging, the social networking, and the need for care and their hopes in the aged stage are shown in a documentary form. Meanwhile, Walter Rutledge interviewed the three lovely artists in the documentary.

The focus to the elder people revealed some deep and valuable problems in the society. The three talented artists was alone in the Westbeth Artists Housing. But they hold strong beliefs about their future. The way of documentary is enlightening to show the positive spirit of three artists. Dudley Williams even wish to be a dancer in the community (Ross 2017). The inspiring story about communities, aging and the need to seek for positive life in the aged group has a strong effect among the community as well as the society.


Ross, E. 2017. Blossoming in time: Art and age in Rohan Spong’s’ Winter at Westbeth’. Metro Magazine: Media & Education Magazine, (191), 98.

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