Tag: Editing

Week 2 Lectorial Reflection- Editing

In the week 2 lectorial, we’ve learned about editing. First, we define what is editing. We know that it may combing elements and create new things or fixing something. Editing is very important in media. When you edit media such as film, you can lead the audience to what you want to show more easily. For example ,  when i do the project brief one, i think this is harder than project brief two. Project brief one can not editing with anything and just present what you exactly the videos, photos and audios. If you do not with editing, it is hard to let people know the theme you want to present. However, if you use the same materials with editing, it is more easy to show the ideas of yourself. So, i think editing is really important. Then, we just learn some basic ideas of editing from the experts.Edward Dmytryk said that never make a cut without a positive reason.  And Walter Murch also said people should think oes the cut reflect what the editor believes the audience should be feeling at that moment? Does the cut advance the story? Does the cut occur at a moment that is rhythmically interesting and ‘right’? These elements are all we should pay attention when we do a cut. Every cut is every important in film or other media, because if you do a bad work it may shows to audience totally a different story and audience even can not understand or misunderstand the whole things.