Project Brief 3

  • Written reflection:

The Project Brief 3’s idea is about the normal university life in Melbourne. The concept maybe too simple. However, as an international student it is really hard to interview someone with a dramatic story. Most of person around us is international student. And because of this, to do the normal university life of international student came out of my mind. Actually, a lot of people do not know the lifestyle of international students because of the cultural differences. So I decided to do this theme in my project brief 3.

Raymond Wang is my best friend. I interview him because he is a really hardworking student. However, his life was not just studying. He plays after study as well. I know my video seems really simple, but normal people can also have a amazing life. I think I should explore more about unusual life part to other people. It will show the character more obviously.

I think i should not to put the questions on the video exactly. At first i do this is because i want it look like a really interview or something we normal see on TV. But it seems too fomal to put the questions on the screen.

And i use the Cannon SLR and H2N Zoom during produce the footage. Because it is the first time i use SLR to shoot videos, it seems not work very good. The quality is not quite good, maybe the data of SLR i set in wrong way.

The most successful part of my project brief 3, i think is the whole theme is very clearly. It’s all around the interviewee’s University life. Before i start interview, i have structured the theme and details with a few days. And i communicated with my interviewee many time to gain some ideas. I have a really deep know of him these days, i try to involve in his life these days. That’s the reason that the final video will show his life style in University throughly.

I think combine the footage is really important, neither the found one or not. It can create a  lot of nice ideas. At the first draft of my project brief 3, it only have some normal interview (just a interview with a person with nothing). And while i adding some found footage, i thought that the footage let my videos more creative and interesting. Then i start to think that i need some more footage. And i go with my interviewee to his school and his home. And these let my videos look more creative and attractive.

While i’m doing project brief 3, i always flash the news which i’ve seen in television out of my mind. I just recall how did they do and it also give me a lot of ideas. And every idea i’ve thought will have a deep press in my heart, and it is easy to use in the future works.


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