PB2: Final Production

Key creative decisions (and why you made them) in the shoot, editing and post-processing stages?

I think the key creative decisions of my PB2 is the color of photos and the details of flowers I want to present. Andy Small is a flower, nature and landscape photographer. He photographs dramatic close-up portraits of nature and particularly flower. That’s what I want to learn to shoot. I used the long lens to shoot the flowers’ detail. Also, his work has become known for its modern graphic style and striking use of color. Andy’s images are described as being “very painterly” in their appearance. So when I was taking the photos, I paid very high attention to the color of the flowers and the background. And while I was editing the photos I also adjust the color to make the photos look more “painterly” as Andy did. I took hundreds of photos in different type and style of flowers. I choose these five photos as my final production is because the color of them are the best. And they are the all different type and styles flowers which can represent Andy’s work to show his photography style better.

What worked and what didn’t?

I think the natural part i did is quite good. However,Andy also does some landscape photos which combine with the flowers. I tried to do it,but it did not work well. Then i gave up that part and only did the natural and flowers part.  I thought I should use a  wide-angle lens for the landscape.

What did you learn in the process of completing the Project Brief about your own skills and creative practice and what you might do differently next time?

I learned to combine the light with my DSLR to take good color photos. I also learned to shoot with burst mode to take photos to capture every moment I want and I do not want to miss. Such as the photo I took which is a butterfly on a flower. If I did not us burst mode I can not capture that moment. I think next time I will try the wide-angle lens to take the flowers with the landscape.

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