Week 6 Initiative Post – Character

Character is a habit which build by human’s custom.Just as a saying goes:Sow an action,reap a habit;sow a habit,reap a habit;sow a habit,reap an character. Apart from the guid of our parents,we observe the world and do our choose when something happened,then our character was built gradually.

You may know the following words of the motto just mentioned before.Sow an character,and you reap a destiny.It’s our character makes us who we are,what’s more,our character influenced our mental attitude and happiness does not depend on any external conditions.It is governed by our mental attitude,such is the importance of the character.

So how to develop one’s character? As far as I am concerned,we should attach great importance to build more good habits.and when something you don’t like happened,change you attitude first when in no way can you change the result,don’t just complain,then you will be better day by day.

Last but not least, if you are lucky enough to be different,don’t ever change!don’t give up,just be yourself!Because life’s too short to be anybody else.

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