1. What is the ‘controlling idea’ (Robert McKee) of your portrait? In other words, what is the most interesting thing about your participant/interviewee that you want to communicate?
    The interviewee’s Uni life.
    The most interesting thing is his love of coffee,when we talked about coffee. He has a lot of words to say. It’s really nice to see the interviewee happy to talk about the questions interviewer ask.
    How is your portrait film structured? (Remember there might be multiple forms of structure employed) E.g. Discussion and depiction of an event or process? A Journey? Use of voiceover narration? Other?
    I structured like deep the question more and more
    What do you want your audience to make of your interviewee? (e.g. What are you saying through them and/or human nature, human folly, or noble human inspiration?)
    I wanna show audience as a normal international student’s life, it’s a really common group in Melb,but most of people not really familiar with this group.

    How is your portrait being narrated? Why? How does it affect the structure?
    From the beginning,it’s just like someone is because some simple reason to study in Melb,but with the time past. He become really enjoy life in Melb. It develops deeper.
    What role will the ‘found footage’ play in your portrait? For example, reinforcement? Ironic counterpoint? Contrast? Comparison? Other?
    Does your portrait have a dramatic turning point?
    Yep. Actucally we are talking some high pressure study.But then we use to relax in this situation to turn to the entertainment part.
    When does this turning point in your portrait and why? At the beginning? At the end? Two-thirds through?
    At the last part.
    How does your portrait gather and maintain momentum?
    They gather pretty good and throughly.
    Where will your portrait’s dramatic tension come from? The gradual exposition of an overall situation? A volcanic, climactic moment? An impending change or crisis? The contrast between what the interviewee talks about and the found footage?
    The gradual exposition of an overall situation. ctucally we are talking some high pressure study.But then we use to relax in this situation to turn to the entertainment part.

    10. Does the portrait have a climax and/or resolution? Outline them.
    I think it is the recreational activities part and the end part

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