Week 3 Workshop Reflection – Haiku Exercise and Blog

This week’s workshop, we’ve talk about the Haiku exercise and the blog.

The Haiku exercise videos present in class is pretty cool. One is about raining, and the other one is about people. The videos are composed from simple videos we took in University, but with the haiku poem is meaningful.

And in the class, we look each other’s blog. My group member’s blog is pretty nice. One of my group member’s blog is all about the media stuff he read and created. It is real amazing to see a person who is really love media and good at it, and it encourage me do better in this subject. One of my group member is have a great passion on a TV play. Although i never seen this before, from his words i can feel her passion and love in this play. And it makes me want to see this TV play also.  It’s nice to share this happiness through the words. We point out each blog’s good and which part can improve more. I think it’s blog’s charm. And after this activity, i view more other students’ blog. It is really enjoyed.


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