Reading Reflection

Adrian in “Blogs in Media Education: A Begining” says blog plays an important role in media education because it may relavent to professional practise as a teacher or as a classroom tool. She has used blogs on a subject by subject basis with university students since 2002. After then, the use of blog has emphasised and explored what is ‘peculiar’ to blog. It breaks the boundrey of writing, also makes contribution to teaching and learning.

Adrian also gives an introduction to blog. ” what is a blog” I have the same question. A blog is a web based publication. it is traditionally consists of entries of verying length that are published in reverse chronological order so that the most recent entry appears first. Blog is a kind of online diary, writing daily experience down and sharing to others. All posts are automatically archived by date, and it is also common to apply categories to individual entries. It is easy to find the artical which you are looking for by searching the key word. Blogs, like journals, allow a record to be maintained of ideas, reflections, activities, things to be done, and so on.

High technology makes people’s life more convinent. Most blogs also support optional comments, where readers can leave notes attached to individual posts.

Content Mangement System(CMS) lets a blogger become a publisher. The article I posted could be viewed by people all over the world as long as under internet covered. Although we may don’t know each other, blog indeed narrow the physical disstance, getting individual into different groups depends on interest, country, religion and so on, and then community becomes.

Arian presents there are a host of reasins why blogs maybe useful in teaching. therefore it takes time to learn how to blog.

As a media students, it is need to develop a range of literacies around internet and digital technologies.