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Tag TO Assignment 2

TO Individual Exercise 2

Google folder link: In Week 4 and 5, we watched a lot of examples which indicate different ways of combining image and voice-over. The most impressive one for me is the montage clip based on the poem ‘Afraid so’.  To… Continue Reading →

TO Reflection 5

So far, I’ve written ten pieces of observations and most of them are related to human behaviour. I thought it was very difficult to have something interesting to write because I live in the city, going to the same places… Continue Reading →

TO Observational Writing 10

Autumn is a magical season that contains both vitality and enervation. Fallen leaves and bark were spread around big trees, they looked so fragile that could easily break into fragments. A few tender grass grew through the carpet of leaves… Continue Reading →

TO Observational Writing 9

Walking down the Swanston street to get out of the city, I stopped at a red light. People walked very quickly across the road, some looked tired and rest of them just walked with no expression. Such a typical Monday… Continue Reading →

TO Reflection 4

Monday’s class was the first time that I read my observations to the rest of the group, and this experience was better than I thought. Before, observational writing was not an easy task for me because I was used to… Continue Reading →

TO Observational Writing 8

A large pot of hot water begins to bubble. Dumplings are put one by one carefully into the water, making some splashes, like people jumping into the swimming pool. After a few minutes, they start to float on the water…. Continue Reading →

TO Observational Writing 7

My best friend Ellie just moved into a new apartment and the elevator wasn’t completely installed, so I could only wait in the lobby for her to pick me up. There were two doors that both needed cards to get… Continue Reading →

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