Media Dairy

Tag Assignment 2

TIF Week 4 Assignment 2 Reflection

The characteristics of online making that we want to respond to mainly come from the class discussion in week two and the interactive projects we experienced in MIT database. Based on all the development posts, we finally created our Draw… Continue Reading →

TIF Week 4 Project Work


TIF Week 4 Development – Individual Research

After discussing with Trista, we have a rough idea about the pictionary game. In this project, guessing is no doubt one of the most significant part to add entertainment and interactivity, however, painting is also the part that can use… Continue Reading →

TIF Week 4 Development – Readings

In the first class of Week 4, we went through part of the reading (Manovich Lev, The Language of New Media) together, and analysed these basic characteristics, which helped to come up with more ideas of our own projects. Our… Continue Reading →

TIF Week 3 Development – Discussion

In Week 2B class, we briefly looked at the introduction of Assignment 2, and planned to do some expansion based on our first group project. For the last assignment, we mainly focused on creating online media by using social platform… Continue Reading →

TIF Week 3 Development – Interactive Projects

When looked through the MIT database, a project called The Sheep Market got my attention. I clicked into the website, found there was a ‘map’ consisted by numbers of tiny pictures; and when I put my mouse on any of… Continue Reading →

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