The Battle Between YouTuBe Bloggers and the Mainstream Media

I have read several articles argue that original youtube channel is beating the mainstream media during recent years, and it seems become a widespread opinion. However, when I searched for materials for projects on the youtube, I found lots of official channels, like BBC News, and other Chinese TV channels, and their number of the following people is huge. Will the original channel really beat the mainstream media? Maybe the answer is very uncertain.

1. Tv is still an important part of our life.

As an international student, I don’t have a Tv in Melbourne, so I usually use my computer and phone to watch video. I go to those official channels on youtube to watch tv series and variety shows. I’m using internet but still a follower of mainstream media. The time I spend watching tv programs are much more than I spend on watching makeup or reaction short videos. That is the fact that videos made by mainstream company cannot be replaced by these unprofessional bloggers at this time.

2. The speed of updating

I followed many makeup bloggers on youtube, and I click into their channel once every few weeks. It is quite hard for original video makers to create new videos everyday, which will be a huge work. Most of them are still ‘part-time’, and uploading videos are just for fun. Different with them, collecting new information and broadcasting new episode is the work for professional company. They renew their channels everyday just like they do on Tv. It is a big advantage to keep audiences’ attention so audiences can always see these channels appear on their home page.

Mainstream media is not an old-fashion thing, and it actually benefits more from the internet era. It changes and improves just with the growing of self-made media. I think it is still a necessary thing to most watchers.