My First Try on Audition

First, we listened to another audio example talked about ‘ladyboy’ and ‘gender’. Compared to ‘My Lobotomy’, this one was even more emotional and contagious. The scene that recorded the washing face sound and the voice could just make me image that he was standing in front the mirror and doing makeup. When we discussed our work, we also mentioned this audio that we should do something highly capable of creating mental pictures.

Then we started to record some sounds to finish the practice work I post above. We just quickly came with the idea that a student was falling in her phone and computer without listening to teacher, which related to the theme ‘can I get your attention?’. So we did few sound effects such as phone ringing, computer typing and walking on the floor. This was my first try on Audition, and I found that was not very hard depending on my experiences of Premiere Pro. These two softwares were just similar to use. Based on Liam’s suggestion, I thought that was better to have more than one tract, which can make the audio more interesting. So I did this simple practice.