Insta health food!!!!

The most fashionable topic to follow in Instagram may be the health life style. When I google the word ‘Instagram’, it comes out the result ’25 inspiring girls on Instagram’, ‘The 30 best Fitness Instagram Account to Follow’, ’10 Best Healthy Eating Accounts To Follow Now’, etc. Most female bloggers like to talk about ‘beauty’ and ‘health’ to attract fans. It is a popular trend that everyone is trying to be in a ‘healthy’ lifestyle; they follow these bloggers, like their photos, and pretend they will live in the same way. To be honest, I am one of them. It is people’s nature instinct to pursue beauty. I like to follow these fit and beautiful girls to see what they are eating, what exercises they are doing everyday, and what cosmetics they are using because I want to be like them; I want to be beautiful.

On this hand, these Insta healthy bloggers have the positive effects to followers to have a better life; but on the other hand, it creates and lead the standard of beauty. Instagram is an influential platform and it gives out an attitude that beautiful people can get other’s attention. It even limit the range of beauty, which is slim and fit. When most people like the way of beauty, it forms a mainstream idea that beauty should be slim, fit and healthy. Then, ‘fat’ becomes a negative word. People who like to go to gym seem to be better than those who don’t like working out at all.

I think people should live in the way they really enjoy, and try to accept who they are. If you do not enjoy going to gym, then don’t. We do not need to take most people’s fancy, and to follow every trend. Also, not being slim is not a fault. Everyone can have their own beauty.