Media Dairy

Month May 2017

Week 11 Lecture

Netflix & Personalize Online watching is replacing the broadcast TV step by step. It gets the advantages not only for the larger resources but also for the personalized use experience. Once I watched a few fabulous films on my friend’s… Continue Reading →

Week 12 Workshop

Our plan failed… We should present the rough cut to the class and the guest teachers, but we didn’t make that. Before, we were thinking about doing an interview with the related organisation. However, we didn’t get their reply, and… Continue Reading →

Week 11 Workshop

My First Try on Audition First, we listened to another audio example talked about ‘ladyboy’ and ‘gender’. Compared to ‘My Lobotomy’, this one was even more emotional and contagious. The scene that recorded the washing face sound and the voice… Continue Reading →

Week 11 Initiative

Japanese Weird Ads!!   Once I watched a reaction video on youtube. It invited people to watch several Japanese ads, and asked them to guess what were these ads for. I’ve watched a few Japanese ads as well, and… Continue Reading →

Week 10 Workshop

‘My Lobotomy’ In this class, we first listened to an audio work example named ‘My Lobotomy’. So, honestly, I didn’t know the meaning of ‘lobotomy’ at the beginning, because it is a medical word and I never heard of… Continue Reading →

Week 10 Initiative

Media Movie Promotion (JohnnyDepp in China for Pirates of the Caribbean 5)          Watching movies has become an common and important part of our life. Most of my friends enjoy catching up the updated information of their… Continue Reading →

Week 9 Initiative

Insta health food!!!! The most fashionable topic to follow in Instagram may be the health life style. When I google the word ‘Instagram’, it comes out the result ’25 inspiring girls on Instagram’, ‘The 30 best Fitness Instagram Account to… Continue Reading →

Week 10 Lecture

It is my first time to do an audio work, and when I listened to this lecture, I found that I didn’t notice much about the sound in my daily life. After listening to the Ambulance 000, I found it… Continue Reading →

Week 9 Workshop

Here is our last assessment to record a 7-8 minutes audio about ‘attention’. I’m in the group with Liam and Cindy. Firstly, we were so struggled about come up with an interesting and creative idea about the theme ‘attention’. My… Continue Reading →

Week 9 Lecture

Lecture Definitely, collaborative working is an important topic in university study. It had brought some problems to me, for example, one of the group member couldn’t finish his/her part on time, he/she didn’t read the brief carefully, and etc. When… Continue Reading →

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