
The who

-Do they have sth to say?

-Would the audiences be interested in this content?


-What are you going to ask them?

-Research – reading, speaking, observing

-Write Questions

-Practice (The question can’t be too long)




-Leading Questions


-Location (Match the interviewee)

-Things to think about (Light / Sound / Background)


-Brief the subject (Clothing, Questions&Answer, Repeat your question in their answer)

-Maintain eye contact

-Listen (Use nods&Facial expressions)

-Be flexible

-Be respectful & show empathy

-Stay focused

-Be quite


-Why’s (Why did I interview this person…)

Reading Reflection

I have done some vox pop and written interview questions during foundation study. However, it  seems more complicated after listening this lecture. A interview is very possible to be boring because there are no storyline and amazing scenes. Before starting an interview, interviewer should do a lot of preparation. Firstly, interviewer could know about the basic information of this interviewee which can help to write the question and set up a proper background. Secondly, interviewer could write down some possible questions. The combination of open-ended and close-ended questions can bring more rhythms to the interview. Thirdly, as the lecture said, interviewer should notice the light, clothing and so on which will affect the final editing.

The most important job of a interviewer is to listen carefully to the person and give some cues in the right time. It is skilful to use facial expressions and languages to lead the interviewee to say something more.

The following assessment is not easy but I am quite excited about this.