The most important work of a director is to direct people’s attention, and there are several common and useful ways to attract people’s attention to the right way. Firstly, I read about space. There are two main kinds of space in a film which are screen space and scene space. When directors arrange the screen space, they should think about the position, color, light, actors’ facial expression and so on. If the screen is arranged as a balanced picture, the object or figure in the middle of the picture will become the key role. On the contrary, the screen could be arranged unbalanced deliberately to guide the attention to a particular part. Also, directors can use color contrast of the settings or costumes to focus on some figure. Secondly, it talks about time. In mise-en-scene, time refers to the movement of a shot. In a still background, a moving object can easily catch people’s eyes. The speed, rhythm and range of the movement all have influences on audiences’ feeling. For instance, in Play Time by Tati we watched in screening, when people danced together in that restaurant, their movements created the crazy and funny feeling, and bring the film to a climax.