um… untitled

Why untitled? Screening section instead of lecture, a reading about ‘Horror film-type disgust’ which seems not related to immersion, with an introduction of the 1500 words painfulness PB3 that caused us having mixed feelings…


Perhaps let’s begin with discussing how irreplaceable the screening session could be. Besides getting instant feedback by our lovely classmates and tutors, I think the screening could give us a chance to review our art piece in a relatively objective perspective, would our works being that perfect/imperfect as what we believed they are? To me, the opening and ending were still a bit too shaky that doesn’t match the overall tone of the clip. As well as, in this audiovisual project, through watching a series of products that similar to yours, the screening could probably be a channel where we could get ideas or find our groupmates from for the upcoming final project.


The Audit

My initial thought… would be analysing the immersive factors of various cinema’s additional features, such as the Dolby Atmo Sound system and the Xtremescreen provided by Hoyts, that why some spectators intend to pay more in order to enjoy these cinematic experience enhancing services. However, since this topic was a bit too uncommon that difficult to find groupmates, I decided to chose gallery instead, which was also one of my favourite space to spend my free time, with always being one of my must visit places while visiting a new city.


Joan Cornellà, a black humour cartoonist that he’s artwork had always confused us   cr. (his exhibition in Taiwan)


Besides the extremely quiet environment with a monochrome background, how had a gallery urged us to be totally focus on appreciating artworks and guessing the meaning behind them, that caused us willing to pay several notes and leaving all our tasks behind, would be the main issues that I’m going to investigate in this auditing project.


On next Tuesday (August 22), in a group of 7 (which seems more than that so we may split into small groups), we would mainly focus on exploring the engaging elements of the NGV international, the most popular and seemingly the biggest art gallery in Melbourne, then turn to certain private or university galleries (e.g. galleries in RMIT and Melbourne Uni) if time permits.



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