Interview – The Humorous One [W]

A quick interesting interviewing exercise shooting during the workshop for Sony MC50 trying purpose, with the challenging randomly grouping. So.. How excited a short interview could be? The topic used to be ‘The Survival Guide to First Six Weeks of University’, but as my group mate was full of creativity and humorous, or maybe just a careless instruction reading mistake, had switched the interview topic to ‘A Man with the Leg of Horse’, then our interviewee had suddenly become that ‘strange man’, and a cardboard who was the man’s friend.


We had set the location in a corner of the NAS street, that with spotlights and totally white cardboard as the background. After adjusting the Focus, our first obstacle had come: Since spotlights were too bright for shooting, it’s quite difficult for us to adjust the exposure that could fulfil all circumstances, such as panning shot, which had wasted a valuable 5 minutes with testing repeatedly to deal with. Fortunately, we had created some interesting shots within the rest of the time, the actor imitating how horse walks, pretending he was a horse, and the interviewer’s perfunctory nodding.


The lacking of shooting time had finally brought up to a painful editing process, due to we don’t have time for taking enough B-roll footages. Eventually, I had decided to use some of them again and again with different dissolve transitions, I guess it would become pretty boring if I were kept showing a same footage through the whole video without modifying it (or it could be meaningful sometimes). In terms of coherence, Cross Dissolve and Film Dissolve was all I had used for for this 1-min clip, with ‘Dip to Black’ as the opening and ending transition. Also, by letting the video looks more ‘professional’, the Lumetri HDR presents provided by Premiere would be a useful tool of it.

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