My Media Experience, Episode 1

Welcome to the episode 1 of my Media Experience, it sounds I had been through with Media quite a long while, right? (That’s the reason why I had applied this Bachelor) Um… Yeah, as Media is a such vast concept, from simple video editing to even 3D modeling, looks like it would be a long story if I am trying to depict them one by one… For your reference, or as a trailer to provoke all of you keep scrolling down, here’s my Portfolio with interactive features (which haven’t enough compatibility).

My first in touch with Media, or Video Editing, was joining an Adobe Premiere and After Effects course sponsored by my secondary school (in Hong Kong, definitely) in Year 2012 when I was Grade 10, dreaming that it’s just a piece of cake, and I could make some marvelous (such as energy beam) effects during this course. Not as expected, what I had done was simply learning the interface of both softwares, making my first clips and effects like Light Saber by following instructions, which I had totally forgotten this day unless watching step by step tutorials.

Also in Grade 10, rarely that I had made my first Media Artwork voluntarily, since I thought one of the event poster of my school was not that good looking enough, I decide to recreate it by using the idea of a box office success movie called ‘You Are the Apple of My Eye’, a kind of creative recreation work that became popular through my Facebook Friends and so as students at once, and soon had been used as the actual event poster eventually!!


Cr. ImpAwards



After that, at summer holiday, I had been recruited as Promotional Team member of a Student Association Candidate, responsible for making promotional videos (Yeah.. Video only, so as I got the MacBook at that time). The idea brainstorming process is quite challenging for us at that time, fortunately we could have gone through that on meetings, gathering ideas of everyone to produce a nice video. It was joyful while all of us taking shots together, and composed them at the same time in meeting room as well, a quite low quality one (Reborn~)?



Here would be the end of this episode 1, next time we will discuss my experiences at the time of Higher Diploma program. Perhaps it would be made in the coming week… unless I had found something interesting to talk with, Hope so?

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