Small Things Assignment 1: Reflection 2

Lenny and Van before reshoot (no dialogue)

Lenny and Van reshoot

Our own Lenny and van video which we were given the script of the scene was perhaps the most educational of the exercises we have done so far. Previously, we were given the footage to edit, and through it, most of us identified issues we want to avoid ourselves, such as ending the recording so soon after the director calls cut. In this exercise, we realised just how much forethought had to go into the whole process. On our first shoot, there were shots that were either similarly framed, incorrectly directed or were missed. We only noticed this while looking through the footage in Premiere after the shoot. In our reshoot, other issues also occurred where we did not set up the camera properly. Therefore we ended up with a different exposure setting from the first shoot and audio levels were too low. I believe this is a good learning experience, most of the things I would not have picked up on unless we were the ones filming, directing and editing the scene ourselves.

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