Studio Presentation Reflection

Our group designed a two episode artist spotlight, with the main objective of interviewing and showcasing Melbourne based creatives. Centred around a sit down interview style, we designed the show to follow a series of segments before and after a host-lead interview. Drawing on inspiration from talk shows such as the Ellen Show, we planned for our show to open with an in studio introduction by the host that then flowed into a day-in-the-life style video package, which focuses on our chosen creative. Following this sequence we return to the live studio feed, where the host then formally introduces and welcomes the talent to the stage. From this point the host-lead interview begins, providing an in-depth view into the live of a creative and their experience working in their field. Throughout the interview, EVS graphics will be occasionally sent to the in studio visual feed, as promoted by the interview’s content. The episode then moves to an artist showcase, whether that be an in studio performance or talent lead exhibition. After this, the episode closes with an outro by the host and a closing video montage.

With this well structured episode plan, our group was able to clearly convey our desired outcome and goal. By splitting up each element of the show into presentation segments, each member was able to provide a detailed presentation with clear objectives. From this presentation we received relatively positive feedback from the class and the guests from other studios. The feedback we were given largely spoke about the clarity of idea and our well thought out structure, which was seen to be very clear and able to be executed.

Upon watching the other presentations, I realised the endless possibilities that can come out of creating hybrid material. I was particularly inspired by the group that came up with ‘The Charlie Show’ idea. I was impressed with this group’s way of thinking out side of the box to create interesting and unique material. Through merging elements taken from soap opera material with a typical talk show format, this group created an idea which allowed for plenty of scripted ideas that were still able to be utilised by a live studio format.

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