Week 1 Reflection

The introductory week for this class provided me with an enjoyable and insightful introduction into the many environments in which multi-camera set-ups and technology is used. While only scratching the surface of this topic, I was welcomed by a practical opportunity inside a studio space, where I was able to have hands-on experience with a multi-camera configuration. Given a brief crash course on the basics of camera operation, I was able to experiment with camera equipment while capturing images of talent in the studio. Not only was I given the opportunity to operate camera equipment, I was also able to work behind the scenes, in the studio control room, where I was able to communicate with camera operators and other personnel in the studio space. 

Reflecting on my first week in this media studio, I was particularly intrigued by the operation seen within the control room setting and how the different roles within the space contribute to the broadcasted image seen by the audience. In our first class of week one, we were shown behind the scenes footage of a control room operating the broadcast during a Superbowl halftime show. Very fascinated by this, I was glad we were able to have a similar experience of our own in the control room of our studio. 

During my time in Ready Camera One, I expect to develop the necessary competencies to work within multi-camera environments and become well versed in multiple roles and responsibilities within these types of environments. With this in mind, it is imperative that I gain as much experience in all areas of production as possible, whether it be in camera operation, floor management, directorial positions, sound, control room ect. 

To achieve the best possible outcome in this studio, it is important that I allow for as much diversity in my experience, which will hopefully allow me to receive broad and in depth education in this area.

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