The Talk Show (Reflection)

Having had prior weeks based around the basic function of the studio, my initial expectation of this exercise was quite a positive one. When my group and I conducted our initial production meeting, we selected the roles we were most comfortable in. This allowed us to feel confident in our abilities when production began. Having a good understanding of our roles made for an almost seamless experience when conducting our talkshow. 

A solid and simple concept for our show meant that managing time as a floor manager with the DA was rather easy for me, as the host had a clear understanding of what the show’s format was. A simple discussion based format with host prompts allowed for a free flowing host-lead conversation between our chosen talent. 

During my experience I only faced minor difficulties on the communicative side of the production. Having many voices in my headset at once, made it a little difficult to hear members in the control room. This was made more difficult to manage as I wasn’t exactly sure which members of other groups had volunteered to do other roles. In future, I aim to make sure that I have a solid understanding of the roles other members in the control room are doing.

Having the opportunity to work on other group’s productions, I was able to try out different roles. Working in audio, EVS and autocue gave me an opportunity to gain basic experience in a control room setting. Moving forward, I aim to further develop my skills and work in a diverse range of roles. I am particularly interested in further developing my skill in directorial roles and vision switching.

My overall experience with this exercise saw this as a rather successful production. Much of our show’s success is owed to solid preparation and team work.

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