Our rough cut represents a couple clips of our final project mashed into a small video. Our main rough cuts can be found in our footage folder on the class OneDrive.
Due to our group filming our video rather late in the creative process our rough cut really was rough! Having footage to work with was helpful in aiding our ability to compare both our more sinister shots with our more positive shots.
The example of the rough cut I inserted into this post demonstrates the lighter visuals we aimed to have in our work especially for the beginning of the film.
Through the filming process our group began to see more clearly how we wanted our project to look and come across to viewers. The filming took place in Carlton gardens in the CBD, and this proved to be an excellent location for both our positive and negative shots. The gardens presented both gorgeous natural garden areas and spots that were largely littered with rubbish or under construction.
As a group we came up with different ways to incorporate our ladybug into scenes and where it both stood out against the morbid backgrounds or blended in with the beauty of the area.
We found that we were able to successfully find the locations we wanted to film in and capture our ladybug amongst but struggled to execute the correct shots to tell the story we wanted. We struggled to get a large amount of our more sinister shots.
Through the editing process however, we were able to cast darker shadows over shots and through uncomfortable editing create a dark and evil feel to the human aspects of the film.
Overall, through the filming process we discovered how to adapt to the location and use it to get the scenes we wanted for our final film.