study 6

For study 6, I had spent almost my time on find inspirations, in fact, I couldn’t think out any good idea, when I see my classmates has some great thought, I feel more worrying, some of them try to make a maze game, or popkart. Actually, I am very interested on Jermmy’s puzzle program, and I want to make a new interactive work base on his puzzle program, but his work was so complicated and I don’t have any good idea with that. So, at the first, I decided to make a mini game, because that will be more easier for audience and also for me, so initially, I took some pictures and cut some pieces from the original picture, and let audiences to use their voice to control the small pieces and put them into the right place, actually that was a great idea and quite interesting game, but I fail to complete that because the lack of my professional skill, that also prove that idea and skill are both important in a work. Finally, I simplified that game based on my initial idea.


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