Video, Synopsis, Production Roles(Assignment4



As a unique culture of Melbourne, graffiti has become one of the most vital part in Melbourne. Walking through the streets of Melbourne, people can find diverse graffiti which conveys different concepts. It is a great backdrop for tourists to take pictures, and is a special way for creators to express their spirits. This promotional video gathers the creative process of different street artists and shows inclusiveness of Melbourne for graffiti cultures has been demonstrated through these two interviews. Accompanied by the view of Melbourne and the sound of the ancient tram, this promotional video spread the graffiti cultures to the audience.

Production Roles:

Shooting: Amy(Xinyue Dai), Poppy(Yating Shi), Rain(Yuchen Chen)

Editing: Amy(Xinyue Dai), Poppy(Yating Shi), Rain(Yuchen Chen)

Music:Rain(Yuchen Chen)

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