In this fancy world, there are too much complicate things that cannot represent yourself, the only thing that can represent you is your true heart. So we made a program which has lots of windows as mirrors that only one can see yourself clearly, for the others, they are all blurry which you can not see the ‘real you’. There are many cameras, but only the middle one can be seen clearly and the speed is also normal, some of the other cameras have various effects, such as burry, chromatic, mosaic and so on, but all of them cannot be shown a real image, and we set a button, just press ‘2’ on the keyboard, all ‘unreal’ images will disappear. When we set the button, we had got a trouble, we remember one of our classmates has done that and our teachers showed us, so we tried a lot of codes but still not achieve, then we called our teacher helped us, when the teacher tell us how to make it, I had deepened my memory, so next time when I need to do that operation, it will be easier. Overall, the second program is much better than the first one I did, I learned lots of new codes and many effects, such as add music, overlapping two videos, even though this program is still a simple work.