So we met up in afternoon to allocate people to grab the cameras from Tech Office and some to RMITV for the props. It is happening. We started to set up the Lecture Theatre into our Star War themed seminar room. My role that day is to act like a cinema usher, handing out and collecting our assessment sheet and a quiz sheet. The attendance turned out a little bit lower than we expected, but I felt really proud of what we have done so far. I guess we all were more focused on the performance of the seminar instead of the content during the seminar. We were worried about the flow of things. But our guests are just so fascinating. Everyone seems kind of forgot the little quiz Jackie prepared for people to get a small prize during the intermission. I quickly ran to our group and reminded everyone about it. Jim immediately asked the questions to grab attentions; I guess people were just so excited for our popcorn so not many of them have actually engaged with the quiz. We were all very happy of what we have done for the seminar and its result.
I learnt more than organising a seminar but to collaborate with each other to get something done. It is a valuable experience. Now I will need to get the highlight reel done …