in Networked Media Readings

week 9 reading – Culture and Technology

New media art, also called multimedia, cyberculture and digital media, shows a revealing and creative engagement with rapidly developing technologies.

Widely used words such as “technology” and “culture” carry the traces of social changes, which have operated around and through those words.


What is Technology

  • The word “technology” components are ancient; the greek tekhne meant art or craft; logos had a range of meanings from ‘word’ to ‘system’ or ‘study’
  • The word “technocrat” remains today to describe people who value highly the potential of technology
  • the meaning of technology has shifted from referring of arts to mean the system of mechanical and industrial arts with the rise of science
  • a technology is not a natural object but one made by humans

What is Technique

  • it is defined as the use of skill to accomplish something
  • Marcel Mauss (1992) notes that techniques are as crucial to culture and to the transmission of culture as technologies
  • a technique is that which is effective (it works) and traditional (it can be passed on through culture)

What is Culture

  • self- contained cultures or, ‘culture’ which embraces all human activity around the world
  • it is multiple because it contains the activities of different classes, of different races, of different age groups; is conditioned by political and economic forces
  • subculture means that culture accommodates various forms of dissent


Culture incorporates human activities such as art, music and building, also relating to the everydayness of culture – what people do, beyond the basic necessities of survival and bodily function. Advertising, merchandising, marketing and other aspects of the consumer society take their place as shaping forces of contemporary culture. Technology changes our living environment; civilizations and cultural activities are based on technologies.

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