in "Unlecture"

02 unlecture

Here comes the second week of the unlecture.

From now on, we are not allowed to use laptops during the lecture. It does not affect me much as I usually stick to the old-school style notes taking. At first  I found it quite unreasonable, this subject is NETWORKED media and about how we fit ourselves into this technological modern time. But it is true that when on laptop, everybody is multi-tasking. Probably not everyone is 100% focusing on the lecturers.

Then we were asked to write a question on a piece of paper for Adrian about the course. I was lost. I found myself looking at the blank paper while everyone handed their paper to Elliot and Jasmine. I didn’t submit a question. Adrian is right. Everyone should have a question; even a simple one. Why couldn’t I think of a stupid question at that moment? I am not afraid of asking a silly question and people laugh at it; I guess I am not used to this fast thinking session. My mind was like empty for a while whenever people asked me to think.

Adrian talked about the copyright issue in the lecture as well. I found it useful. Things on my blog; once I post it, it is mine.

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