About Me

What is there to say ‘about me’? Not much.

I’m nineteen. That’s a 1993 baby, not an early 1994. I will be twenty by New Year’s Eve.

At the current stage in time I am in the midst of a Bachelor of Communications (Media) degree at RMIT University in Melbourne, which means I have an excuse to visit one of the world’s greatest CBDs every day and eat amazing food. I might even post photos of this food, instagram-style. That’s just who I am, a band-wagon jumper. If it’s cool or fashionable or whatever, I am on that <EXPLETIVE DELETED> like a snail on salt. Or something. I don’t know.

I’m also male. I live in Mount Waverley at the moment, but I come from rural Victoria. I love television. I play computer games (badly). I jog to avoid having anxiety attacks. I am addicted to board and card games, but lack the friends to properly engage in them. I am chronically lazy.

That’ll do, pig. That’ll do.

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