Reflection 4 Film&TV

Question 7: Please outline some points that you took away from the Lighting Lecture. Points that excite you, something that was completely new to you, perplexes you or even one you take issue with.

Lighting is very important as a camera only capture the images for a film through light. Every lighting set up provides a specific mood, emotion, and atmosphere to overall film viewing experience. The importance of it is pretty straight forward, but the procedures of the set up can be complicated. This overwhelms me as there is so many things to consider.
The key light, fill light and back light each plays an important role in setting up. The different amounts of key and fill light can be used to create harsh lighting or soft lighting which provides different atmosphere. I’ve seen some BTS of some movie, due to budget and time constraint, they could actually use lighting to shoot ‘night scene’ during the morning, and shoot ‘morning scenes’ at night.

Question 8: Please insert the link for your Lenny ex2 here. (use insert link tool)
List the things that you learnt from this experience – this could be things that went well or not so well.

I think the main thing that I’ve learnt through the Lenny exercise is the shooting schedule. As a director I had to watch the time and keep up with the shooting schedule. As it was our first actual shooting, most of us was unprepared and wanted to give several attempts to a scene, thus it will take up a lot of time.

We could have planned a bit better before shooting to have a clearer idea of possible problems and to fix it. Overall, the shooting went well and we were the first group who returned to class on time.

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