So this week, we had little consultation with Paul in pairs and we showed him our little test shoot from our abandoned building. Apparently it is our best interest that we acquire the right permission to shoot in such a venue, or in any other venue for that matter. Safety would be the main reason, if anything happens, who should be accountable or responsible, IF for an unfortunate event were to present itself. And that’s where all the nitty gritty insurance terms and conditions would apply. Of course non of us would want that to happen, and we would like to approach this whole assignment with peace of mind, knowing that everything is covered administratively and artistically. So if any of the two does not meet the requirements, it would mean that we might have to find somewhere else to shoot or go through the right channel and fill up proper paperwork for us to get the green light to use such a inspiring creative space.
Apart from that, we collaborated with another pair who’s area of research is on the zombie genre. This helped open up ideas for storyboarding our chase scene since now we have a good direction and genre. The pair we’re collaborating with would be Helen and Trong on their little Zombie adventure. So Reza and I sat down with the group to see how are we going to work this out combining our ideas together. Basically, Trong was interested in our locations for his Zombie shooting experiments, and we needed some form of narrative or storyboard to shoot at our location to exhibit our experiement (ie. for me, colour grading, and Reza, sound design and foley recording).
Personally, I feel that the group is getting a little crowded. And for an assignment that consists of mostly experiments and exploring of ideas, there might be too much to handle. But I’ll remain open, not shooting down any floating ideas or suggestions that any of the group mates have. Currently our main focus is to secure a location, as I strongly believe it is the most crucial for what we are doing for our little chase scene, or rather a more up to date version, zombie chase scene.
During our discussion, we brainstormed various locations that we can find around the city, and one that came to mind was a multi-story carpark. In substitute of an opened abandoned warehouse, the carpark has ample space to play with, different levels, small stairwells and pockets, hence it would be pretty versatile shooting in that environment. Though not as versatile as the abandoned building, it should be able to pull off our zombie apocalyptic chase. Reza and I planned to do a little recce session later in the week to find a suitable multi-story carpark.
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